iCONECT’s Latest Release: XERA-CONECT Free Mobile Access to Case Metrics

iCONECT Development, LLC, eDiscovery technology leaders and developers of the visually rich and intuitively simple XERA ® eDiscovery document review platform, have announced that the latest release of XERA provides FREE mobile access to case report information on the XERA dashboard for those that need to be “in the know” 24/7.

Now available, iCONECT’s new XERA-CONECT free license will empower counsel, clients, administrators and project managers to easily and securely access case metrics, coding, reviewer stats and progress, from their iCONECT-XERA review platform, right on their mobile device.

XERA-CONECT leverages the power of the XERA dashboard, giving visibility to those that don’t necessarily need to review documents but need to be “in the know”. XERA users and those with a free XERA-CONECT license simply log-in via their mobile device for unlimited 24/7 access to case information such as number of documents reviewed, number of privileged records and project members who are currently reviewing.

“Getting access to key metrics about a case is incredibly important. Being able to get that information in real time from anywhere will let help make critical decisions faster,” comments iCONECT Vice President of Product Strategy, Iram Arras. “Since XERA-CONECT access users are free, we’ve created a better workflow by increasing case knowledge without increasing case costs.”   

To learn more about iCONECT, visit https://iconectgov.wpengine.com . For additional XERA-CONECT product information and view the videos, please visit https://iconectgov.wpengine.com/products/xeraconect.  Click here to schedule an XERA demo.

iCONECT Development, LLC is an industry leader in developing innovative legal review software and services that empower legal teams to complete complex review projects more cost effectively. As early innovators of eDiscovery review software since 1999, and with the release of the revolutionary web-based, iCONECT-XERA® eDiscovery Review Platform, iCONECT continues to raise the bar for advancements in developing intelligent, easy-to-use tools that help hosting providers, law firms, corporations and government agencies worldwide optimize workflows and manage big data more efficiently. iCONECT was most recently honored by CIO Review as one of the Top 20 Most Promising eDiscovery Technology Solution Providers in 2016 and named by KMWorld Magazine, as one of 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management in 2016.

 Media Contact:
Amy Lyde-Stad
iCONECT Development, LLC 
t. 1-855-915-8888 
e. marketing@iconect.com

iCONECT, the iCONECT logo, XERA logo and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of iCONECT Development, LLC or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.